
Supporting policies intensive

In order to support the shipping cargo ships, dissolve excess capacity, 2013 national and ministry level of support policy.Under the state council issued "the shipping industry to speed up structural adjustment to promote transformation and upgrading plan (2013-2015)",asme b16.28 short radius elbow 45 degree A234 WPB "about resolving contradictions of severe overcapacity guidance", the ministry of communications issued "about promoting the healthy development of shipping industry transformation and upgrading of several opinions",A53B ERW carbon steel welding round tube "the old transport vessels and single-hulled oil tankers scrap updated implementation plan in advance, the ministry issued the ship industry standard conditions.At the same time, the shipping industry to rise to the national strategic plan has been submitted to the state council.Many policy positive is expected to be concentrated release in 2014, will be the basis of further consolidate shipping shipbuilding industry recovery.

Under the stimulus policy positive and 2013 rate and new ship orders both bottoming out.Throughout the year, BDI index averages 1193 points, up 30% from a year, but 23% lower than in 2011.First 11 months of 2013, the shipbuilding enterprises to undertake new ship order 51.86 million deadweight tons, up 204%;Handheld ship the order by the end of November,elbow 180 degree a234 wpb butt weld elbows 119.23 million ton, up 11.5% at the end of 2012.

At the same time, many shipbuilding companies break into the lucrative offshore equipment market, in order to improve profitability.Marine engineering equipment in the third quarter of 2013 years ago, the Chinese market turnover of $10.8 billion.Ocean engineering markets around the world in the next few years will remain prosperous situation.
"New ship prices also rebounded in the third quarter, the major segment type prices surged." quantity "and" price ", shipbuilding market rebound in 2013 is very obvious."China shipping (600150, shares) industrial economy and the market research center director zhang jing said.


The fastest growing steel B2B realm

B2C developing rapidly in recent years, as the limelight, B2B is relatively a bit left out."B2B than B2C is much more complex", Dong Baoqing thinks, but the prospect of B2B far more than B2C,material astm a106 round steel pipe "this (B2B) is a huge market, and many industry and the investment community concern area".Dong Baoqing, according to data released 2012 B2B trading volume is 6.25 trillion yuan, up 27% year on year, growth is far less than the 74.8% increase in B2C transactions, but it is four times the size of the B2C turnover of 1.32 trillion yuan.
Dong Baoqing pointed out that the current steel industry B2B is all production data in the field of B2B "the biggest, the fastest growing and also the fastest will be a mature industry",seamless elbow 90 for welding 3d "in all industries, steel e-commerce may walk in front".

He believes that this is mainly because the steel industry overcapacity, the industry into the era of supply is greater than the demand, this formed a very important driving force of the steel industry e-commerce development;In addition, the steel circulation industry in the past for less than four five distribution system for the formation of the complete collapse;And information technology, the development of the Internet,carbon steel seamless A106 steel pipe exacerbated the collapse.

YuGang, director of the China federation of logistics and purchasing the steel logistics branch also points out that in recent years, frequent fluctuations of steel price but narrowed, by means of steel price fluctuations for profiteering era is gone forever, iron and steel circulation industry into small profit stage.This reversed transmission with steel logistics enterprises from the opportunist to service-oriented transformation.